Gain unprecedented control over business terminology
Speak with one voice across global operations
Wordmap Enterprise is a full-featured taxonomy management platform that works as a centralized design and publishing hub for taxonomy, ontology, thesaurus and metadata - global information architecture available on-premise or in the cloud.
Leverage information as uniformly valuable currency across the enterprise
Wordmap Enterprise helps information managers in organizations:
- Enable efficient business processes
- Improve communications between business groups
- Reduce cost to deliver services, develop products, and conduct operations
Uniformly flexible, ultimately extensible
design and reuse an almost infinite variety of structured or semantic IA combinations

Add synonyms, translations and locale rules, then view taxonomy in any language

Define any number of attributes for ID's, sequences, lists of values and more - with or without inheritance

Customize hierarchical and associative relationships between nodes or taxonomies

Define rules and permissions, report on changes and manage the approval process